It's 9:23 am and Max is still asleep. It was a rough night. Our room service took forever to her here (they wrote our room number down wrong when I called so we got it on the house) and Max was bouncing off the walls. We didn't eat till 11pm:-(. When we finally got all tucked in, he was all over the place and didn't fall asleep till after midnight.
He has been fighting a cold for several weeks now. It started with a croupy cough at night only and a yucky nose only if he sneezes. I had him checked by the pediatrician last Monday and we saw our ENT on Thursday. Both said his ears looked great and his lungs were clear. Yesterday though, his cough became more persistent (it had been getting more frequent) and he sounded very hoarse and if he sneezed, you needed a box of kleenexes to mop up the mess! After he finally fell asleep, he started coughing non stop...for about an hour. To the point where he started to vomit. So, we had to get up (at 2am) and get him cleaned up and settled back down. He was so sweet and lovey despite the coughing and the vomiting:-). Then I noticed he felt pretty warm. I was convinced he had a fever:-(. Finally he fell back asleep and I was obsessively putting my hands in him trying to figure out if he did in fact have a fever. That would probably change our plans of surgery this week...I am not convinced he did. Maybe a low grade. We'll see how he is today. After all that coughing at 2am, he hasn't coughed since. He had several episodes where he was very restless and kicking and rolling all around but he fell back asleep. Max is a great sleeper. He may sleep till 11! Needless to say, I hardly slept at all. And like a cruel joke, at 5:58am, when I was actually sleeping, the hotel alarm clock went off...that was super!!
So, I will have to see what anesthesia says today. This is an elective surgery so they may chose not to do it because he gas this viral respiratory infection, especially if he is truly getting fevers (I usually pack thermometers and Tylenol for the kids but I packed really light for our plane trip because Eric can bring the rest when he drives up tomorrow). I can't even think about having to make all the arrangements we have has to make to get here and get this done again...I am not going to think about that... I am staying positive! At the same time though, I don't want them to take him to surgery sick if it is not safe...
Prayers for no more coughing and no fevers would be greatly appreciated:-)
I'll write more later!
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Michelle M. Platz M.D.