Thursday, December 13, 2012

Post-op visit tomorrow

Tomorrow we head back to Hopkins for our 4 week post-op check up. Eric and I will both be able to take him, which is good because the logistics of transportation and the enormous car seat is a NIGHTMARE!! Especially with Max in casts and a wheelchair...
Our appointment is at 11:25. I assume it will involve X-rays and checking out the incisions after he takes off the casts. I am going to give Max a dose of Valium about an hour before our appointment (on the advice of other moms;) and bring big headphones so he can watch Curious George on my phone while the cut off the casts...hope that distracts him enough! (I forget, am I supposed to take a swig of that Valium before this appointment too??!! Haha!). I have been warning him the they will cut off the casts but...they will put them back on!! I have also been demonstrating how the saw will vibrate too. (While gently shaking him...). I hope I have prepared him enough.

I keep telling Eric to remind me to ask about putting Max's feet in the sink to wash them before they put the casts on again. He hasn't had his feet washed in a month and they are stinky!! And the skin is all peeling off... It's not pretty!

I hope to hear good news that the bones are healing nicely and I hope to see nice straight legs under those casts;-)

I will update after our appointment. We fly back in tomorrow afternoon.


Chelley Martinka said...

Good luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

good luck today, we will be thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

and ... hugs from Alex too! ...-jodi b